My Mission to find YOUR Style

Posted by Hope Shadbolt on

One day, I was told that style is described as this;  

“A distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something has been designed.”

I believe this, because this is what the Dictionary told me. 

Quite often we hear the quote “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” 

Yep! I agree with that- but my version is “In a world where you can be anything, be you”

Which is what style comes down to. 

Who you are, what you believe about yourself and as well as your lifestyle, ultimately influences the way you dress! 

You see, appearance really does matter. 

What you choose to wear in the morning, really does matter because you are walking out the door and publicly announcing- THIS IS WHO I AM TODAY!

Right now, think back to a time where you sat in a cafe with a friend and had a good old “People Watch” session. Blankly staring out at the street. No registration whatsoever that the coffee machine in the background is grinding away or that the people sitting next to you are laughing outrageously. 

Now, think about the people walking past. Did you ever notice a particular individual? 

I know personally- I grew up spending HOURS doing this with my Dad. Everywhere we went, we would watch the people. (this is how I know that people are always watching- because I am that person hehehe) I would take notice of hairstyles, makeup, shoes, complete outfits or particular accessories. Heck, even what type of scent they had! All these things, tell part of their story- whether you know their story or not.

I sat on the same couches as you and I would imagine the type of life those people perhaps live. You may call it judgement, but I wouldn’t think negatively of any one person. I was simply putting myself in their shoes and collecting my ideas of who they were as a person. An individual. Why? Because your appearance matters! Who you are, matters! 

Perhaps you lack confidence in your body shape, and your natural bias is to shop for baggy clothes to hide that. 

Perhaps you don’t know what colours suit you best, so you stick to black or navy. 

Perhaps you are afraid to try something new, incase you are judged or the people around you don’t dress like that. 

Perhaps you have a dream style or brand you want to shop, but cannot afford the price tag attached.

My mission at ANNALISE, is to help you overcome those fears, experiences, hopes and your natural bias. Inside of you, very deep down, lays your identity. Inside your identity is a particular blue print of who you are, your experiences collected over time, your morals and your beliefs. Inside your identity are your dreams, your passions, your ideas and “what makes you tick."

You see, your style really does give you a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles to which something has been designed.

If you want to express your story a little more wild, a little more professional, a little more accurate, a little more different- or perhaps, a little more appropriate… Let me help you! The clothing at ANNALISE may not be for you, but that does not mean you should miss out. 

I would love to work with you privately, take you on as a client and help you discover more about your personal style.

Email me at Let’s work together to tell your story


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